Check out to stay informed on breaking news as it’s happening around the world, compare coverage, and know where your news is coming from. It is no secret that 4chan has been host to some notorious high-profile criminal activity. While shocking crimes have occurred some of 4chan's most compelling criminal stories actually come from its dumbest users. These are the crimes of 4chan's dumbest offenders. Instagram: Twitter: Discord: Patreon: 00:00-1:09 4chan's Dumbest Criminals 1:10-2:33 Ground News 2:34-7:20 The 4chan Bank Robber 7:21-11:20 The 4chan Cat Tosser 11:21-15:23 4chan's Coupon Fraudster 15:24-20:15 The Bike Lock Basher 20:16-24:28 Anon gets arrested for copypasta 24:29-29:00 The Celebgate Hackers 29:01-32:57 Anime Fan Gets Arrested